Between 10 and 16 April 2024, Afghanistan experienced heavy rains and flash floods across the central (Kabul, Kapisa, Parwan, and Panjshir provinces), central highlands (Daikundi province), northern (Faryab and Samangan provinces), north-eastern (Badakhshan and Kunduz provinces), southern (Hilmand, Kandahar, Nimroz and Uruzgan provinces) and western (Badghis, Farah, Ghor and Herat provinces) regions. Almost more than half of the Afghanistan provinces have been receiving heavy rains and snowfall since April 10, 2024 which have triggered flash floods leading to losses of lives and damage to properties.
In addition to the civilian casualties and damage and destruction sustained to homes, critical civilian infrastructure such as roads, bridges and culverts are also reported to have been damaged causing disruption to transportation networks.
The main objective of the project is to assist and promote the dignity of flood-affected population through provision of lifesaving support in terms of provision of tents, blankets, and NFI Kits to reduce their sufferings. Through this project, ORCD-Global will be able to distribute 4,882 NFI kits and 4,882 Tents, and 24,410 blankets among 4,882 flood-affected HHs through the financial support of King Salman Relief to make sure that the flood-affected population in the targeted provinces have access to NFI items, Tents, and blankets to meet their immediate needs.
The funding will address the most immediate pressing needs of the flood-affected population in the targeted provinces.
The distribution has been smoothly completed in Kabul, Ghazni, Baghlan, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Herat, and Nimroz provinces.
In the remaining provinces i.e., Parwan, Panjshir, Kapisa, Bamiyan, Laghman, and Nangrahar provinces, the distribution will be conducted in accordance with the plan before December 30, 2024.
ORCD Global has signed an agreement with KSRelief, during which it will assist 4,300 flood-affected families in 13 provinces of Afghanistan in terms of the provision of tents, NFI, and blankets. It is another generous step from @KSRelief to assist the Afghan vulnerable families to meet their basic needs. We highly appreciate their continued cooperation in assisting the Afghan population during these difficult times.
د علمي څیړنو او د ټولني د پراختیا نړیوال سازمان او آر سی ډی ګلوبل د سعودي عربستان د پاچا سلمان بن عبدالعزیز د بشري مرستو د نړیوال مرکز کی ایس ریلیف سره یو تړون لاسلیک کړ چې په ترڅ کې به د افغانستان په ۱۳ ولایتونو کې د ۴۳۰۰ سیلاپ ځپلو کورنیو سره د اړینوغیر خوراکي توکو کمپلو او د خیمو مرسته ترسره کړې چې د ۳۰۱۰۰ شاوخوا وګړي به لدي مرستو څخه ګټه پورته کړي، دا د هغه بشردوستانه مرستو په چوکاټ کې راځي چې د سعودي عربستان د پاچا سلمان بن عبدالعزیز د بشري مرستو د مرکز له لوري د خپلو افغانانو ورونو سره ترسره کیږي ترڅو د بشري ناورینونو مخنیوی وشي
وقّع مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة والأعمال الإنسانية كي ايس ريليف برنامجا تنفيذيا مشتركا مع منظمة البحوث وتنمية المجتمع العالمية او آر سي دي گلوبل وذلك لتوزيع مساعدات ايوائية والمواد غير الغذائية للأسر النازحة جراء الفيضانات والكوارث الطبيعية الأخيرة، وبموجب الإتفاقية سيتم توزيع الخيام وحقائب المواد غير الغذائية في 13 محافظة في أفغانستان ل 4300 أسر أكثر احتياجا ويستفيد منها حوالي 30100 افراد، ويأتي هذا البرنامج في إطار الجهود الإغاثية التي تقدمها المملكة عبر ذراعها الإنساني مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة لمساعدة الشعب الأفغاني الشقيق جراء الأزمة الإنسانية التي يمر بها.
ORCD and FHI 360 signs a contract embarking on a joint partnership in a project for the implementation of Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in the selected villages of Sarepul and Zabul Provinces which could be expanded to other districts after achieving remarkable success.
Afghan Context Community Led Total Sanitation in Sozmaqala District Sarepul Province and Qalat District, Zabul Province.
The AC-CLTS approach will be implemented in Sozmaqala District of Sarepul Province, Sozmaqala District has a population of 62,650 inhabitants and covers 51 villages, the list of the villages with population attached and in Qalat District of Zabul Province, Qalat District has a population of 37,009 inhabitants and covers 140 villages, with an average of 6,169 Households.
On March 28, 2018, ORCD Ghana was registered with the Government of Ghana becoming its 3rd sister partner organization with ORCD Canada after ORCD-Afghanistan and ORCD Global.
It is worth mentioning that Orcd Afghanistan is the main inspiring agency from which all other ORCDs in the world have replicated from. We are committed to continue getting inspired from the success story of Afghanistan and have it replicated in other countries.
It has already secured commitment from donors and big NGOs to partner for implementing welfare projects in Ghana in coordination with other ORCDs in the world.
July 18, 2017
Under the stewardship of the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) ORCD is now involved in facilitating BPHS to around 37% of the total population of Afghanistan.
Since July 2015, ORCD has been working under the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in facilitating the provision of Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Ghazni Cluster providing services to 663,900 population (CSO, 2015-2016) in nine districts of Ghazni Province.
This year in July 2017, ORCD managed to expand this contribution to two more underserved provinces: Sarepul and Zabul covering a total 863,703 population (559,577 in Sarepul Province, and 304,126 in Zabul Province).
In addition, in partnership with the HNTPO, ORCD is being set to get involved in strengthening the Afghan Health System in Kabul through facilitating provision of BPHS to a total 3,678,034 population as part of the Kabul Urban Health Project under the stewardship of the Kabul Provincial Public Health Office of the Ministry of Public Health. As a Sub Consultant, ORCD is strengthening the capacity building, infrastructure and pharamaceutical management components of the project.
In total, ORCD is now actively involved in the facilitation of the provision of BPHS under the stewardship of the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to a total 5,205,637 population (1,527,603 directly in Ghazni, Sarepul and Zabul Provinces) and 3,678,034 population (in Kabul Urban Areas in partnership with HNTPO) in the country.
The coverage area is the bulk of the total population of Afghanistan which constitutes 37% of the country making ORCD one of the leading BPHS implementing partners in the country.
March 24, 2015
Confiscation of medicines, supplies, equipment and ambulance of the First Aid Trauma Post (FATP) of Dahna -e Ghori, Baghlan Province
Afghan National Security Forces had confiscated all equipment, medicines, medical supplies and ambulance of the Dahna -e Ghori FATP as part of the cleansing operation in Dahna e Ghori District, taking it with them to provincial headquarters. However, no staff were arrested. This incident took place at 02:30 PM on March 06, 2016.
As part of a contract between ORCD and UNOCHA starting from November 2015 for one year, Dahna e Ghori FATP was among one of the three FATPs which was established in December 2015 with funding from Common Humanitarian Funds (CHF) in Baghlan Province. While due to fighting and being in the terroriity beyond the full control of GOA, Dahna e Ghori FATP functionality was intermittent through the past 2-3 months. However, other FATPs in Baghlan -e Markazi and Doshi Districts were functioning well. Upgrading the capacity of the Baghlan Provincial Hospital to provide specialized orthopedic services is another important component of this project.
According to the Health Cluster/WHO guidelines, medicines, equipment and other supplies provided to an FATP are aimed at providing basic life support and its services included only first aid to victims of war. Specialized surgical interventions are neither within the scope of an FATP nor ORCD was responsible to provide them. As it is a standalone FATP, it also maintained an ambulance for the purpose of referrals of the victims of war in the area.
In the view of this, ORCD had no responsibility of specialized services provided in Dahna e Ghori nor have any knowledge of the provision of any high-tech medical equipment or items found and confiscated in the area which are beyond the scope of an FATP.
The ANDS/NDS questioned our staff as to why they were operating in AOG territory ORCD provincial staff were immediately engaged with GoA on the matter and clarified to them that the establishment of the FATP was well-coordinated with all involved stakeholders. Written letters from the following governmental institutions have been available which indicate that its establishment was well-coordinated:
• Provincial Public Health Office, Baghlan
• Provincial Governor Office, Baghlan
• NGO Department of Provincial National Security Department of Baghlan
• District Governor of Dahna e Ghori District
• Community
Although NDS Baghlan released the ambulance today dated 19 March 2016, yet the equipment, medicines and other items supplied by ORCD to this FATP are withheld with the provincial authorities. And discussions are going on to retrieve them so that emergency health services for the victims of war could be resumed.
The issue has been reported to UNOCHA and Afghanistan National Health Cluster that will be following it with the provincial authorities and will ensure health service delivery to pave the way for the resumption of emergency health services and avoidance of confusions in due course.
ORCD which is the only Afghan NGO having Special Consultative Status with the United Nations since 2015 is one of the fast-growing Afghan local NGO originated from Baghlan with approximately 1800 staff across the country. It has been registered with the Ministry of Economy since 2011 and has been working in Baghlan since 2012. ORCD has jointly implemented projects with Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), and GIZ/DETA in Baghlan Province and has been supporting health facilities in Ghazni in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH). It also serves as the Facilitating Partner for the NSP Program of the MRRD. It has been the implementing partner of four UN agencies (UNOCHA, WFP, UNHCR & UN Women). ORCD is an elected member of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) on behalf of Afghan local NGOs. ORCD also serves as Co-Chair of the Afghanistan National Health Cluster.
For further information, please contact:
Media and Advocacy Department Email: media.advocacy@orcd.org.af Phone: +93777103090
Interviewed by BBC Persian Service from New York, I explain how ORCD sets a precedence in the history of Afghanistan by acquiring Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of United Nations (UN).
This is the maximum highest status an NGO can have with the UN. No other Afghan national NGO in Afghanistan had acquired such as status in the past.
In addition, some vicious questions of BBC about allegations of corruption over NGOs in Afghanistan are also answered.
It is to inform you that the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at its Coordination and management meeting of 08 April 2015 adopted the recommendation of the Committee on NGOs and granted Special Consultative Status to Organization for Research and Community Development. ORCD received the official notification from the United Nations today dated 13 April 2015.
With this, ORCD registers its name as the first and only Afghan NGO having special consultative status with the ECOSOC/ United Nations.
This status will enable ORCD to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well as with the United Nations Secretariat, programs, funds and agencies in a number of ways.
This status will allow ORCD being an Afghan national NGO to be informed about the provisional agenda of the Economic and Social Council.
ORCD with this status will be entitled to designate official representative to the United Nations (UN) in New York, and the United Nations Offices in Geneva and Vienna. ORCD’s representatives will be to able to register for and participate in events, conferences and activities of the United Nations. ORCD will designate authorized representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, Human Rights Council and other United Nations intergovernmental decision making bodies.
In addition, ORCD having special consultative status with ECOSOC will be able to submit written statements relevant to the work of the Council on subjects in which ORCD has a special competence such as women empowerment, health, protection, rural development, etc. These statements may be circulated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the members of the Council
To get more information, you can contact the following:
Dr. Qudratullah Nasrat
Chief Executive
+93 (0) 729802902
Based on the invitation of the United Nations, ORCD Representatives attend the 2015 Session, Committee on NGOs that started on January 26, 2015 and continued until 04 February 2015. During the session, the committee reviewed applications from NGOs around the world including the one from ORCD for accreditation and granting consultative status with Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. ORCD was one of the few NGOs which was recommended accreditation by the committee for receiving Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC, UN becoming the first Afghan NGO receiving such rewarding privileges.
By having consultative status, ORCD will be able to:
• Provide expert analysis on issues directly from its experience in the field
• Serve as an early warning agent
• Help monitor and implement international agreements
• Help raise public awareness of relevant issues
• Play a major role in advancing United Nations goals and objectives
• Contribute with essential information at organization events
For ORCD, this status is important because it will be able to:
• Attend international conferences and events
• Make written and oral statements at these events
• Organize side events
• Enter United Nations premises;
• Have opportunities to network and lobby
For further information, please contact:
Qudratullah Nasrat, CEO, ORCD Afghanistan
q.nasrat@orcd.org.af; Phone: +1 646 7444296
Suzanne Minarcine, CEO, ORCD Global
drsuzannem@gmail.com;+1 4782353083
ORCD has been invited for granting consultative status by the Committee on NGOs of the United Nations. The 2015 Regular Session, Committee on NGOs will take place in February 2015 at the UN Head Quarters in New York. ORCD will have an opportunity to give a presentation about its activities in Afghanistan as well as its contacts in Pakistan, Zimbabwe, UK and the United States.
Dr. Qudratullah Nasrat, the Founder & CEO of ORCD will represent ORCD in this important session taking place in the UN Head Quarters in New York, USA.
After the careful consideration, the United Nations (UN) will recommend ORCD for giving ECOSOC status which will be a great honor for ORCD and all Afghan NGO communities. ORCD on behalf of Afghan NGOs will start having a voice there in the United Nations. If ORCD is enrolled as having consultative status with UN, it will become one of the few Afghan NGOs having such a high-profile status in the United Nations.
ORCD qualified for 2015 funding by WFP in Afghanistan, On annual appraisal, World Food Progamme (WFP) of Afghanistan views ORCD as an effective partner with 'good' performance during the year 2014 for bringing positive changes in the livelihood of the target beneficiaries in Paktika Province. ORCD was one of the Implementing Partners (IP) of WFP in the said province in 2014.
Organization for Research & Community Development (ORCD) in partnership with The University of New South Wales from Australia wins a bid it submitted to Marie Stopes International for the assessment of the MSI programmes in Afghanistan as part of a competitive bidding process.
ORCD being the Lead Partner with state of the art expertise from the University of New South Wales will conduct this assessment in two provinces of Afghanistan. The assessment will be a mixed of qualitative and quantitative methodology which will be undertaken jointly over of a period of three months by the two entities under the technical oversight of qualified personnel from the said university.
ORCD signs a second contract with UNHCR for managing non-food items aid for the displaced population fled from North Waziristan to Barmal and other districts of Paktika Province.
This project seeks to improve the living conditions of a total up to 3500 families of displaced population in Barmal, Urgun and other districts of Paktika province through distribution of Non-food items (NFIs). The project will be implemented in collaboration with district governor office, communities and other stakeholders i.e. World Food Programme.
Under Emergency Food Aid Programm for vulnerable rural households in Paktika Province, ORCD rolls out a project in 6 districts of this province called ‘Food for Light work’.
The aim of the project is to alleviate food insecurity in the target districts and improve the resilience of target communities against drought in the province.
A total 952 Metric Ton food items comprised of wheat, pulse, oil and salt will be distributed to a total 2,260 persons as part of Food for Light work programme in Sharan, Yahyakhail, Janikhail, Yosufkhail, Urgun, Matta Khan, and Khairkot districts.
Thanks to the World Food Programme that made this important endeavor possible in this province
Commitment and Dedication for Women Empowerment in 2013
Another project titled as “women empowerment” through community strengthening system promoting “was an 18-mont project implemented in three districts of Daikundi (Neli, Gitti and Kejran). With funding from European Union, this project was implemented in partnership with HNTPO. It has been in response to the pressing needs of women’s, built their capacity and encouraging their participation in economic life.
The overall aim of the project was to empower Afghan women to genuinely become an integral part of the society. This was done through increasing capacity building the capacity of men and women activists by targeting 15 focal point women activists. The fact that these activists served as focal points for spreading awareness safely ensured the sustainability of the project. The project also aimed at enhancing coordination between men and women activists in the target province.
Major activities included conducting community mobilization within target communities, training 15 focal point and establishing Women Development Committees in all target districts of this province.
The expected result of the project was to have assessment of exact needs consultation and resources in targeted areas, focus group discussion with provincial key figures and group education female leadership at community based support mechanism to women and girl child, staff capacity building exchange of expertise, capacity building of provincial and local authorities and regular coordination committee meeting at provincial level.
The progress made during the reporting period was impressive and was within the timeline set in the beginning of the project. Required project staffs were identified, training of trainers has been offered, necessary orientation and coordination meetings with Directorate of Women Affairs and other stakeholders were held.
The provincial department of women affairs, and other stakeholders expressed highest satisfaction about ORCD activities in this provide for the demonstrated capacity and successes achieved.
In 2013, ORCD hits an important milestone through implementing a program designed toward the empowerment of women in Daikundi Province.
Situation/Background: The programs continued because it aimed at addressing needs of women in the province, who are in a terrible situation due to domestic violence, lack of awareness on their rights and their minimum role in the social and economic life. By implementing this project, ORCD wanted to improve the living conditions of women by making them aware of their basic rights and place in a society in accordance with the the religion and the Afghan Constitution. It also aims at making men aware of the women rights to play a supporting role in this regard. The program was important for Daikundi Province because it was a far-flung and hardly accessible province where women had been stripped of their basic rights and were victim of multi-lateral violence in terms of forced marriage, violence, etc.
Program Activities: ORCD started this project with the solid commitment of advocating and building capacity for long lasting positive impact on women's life. The first step taken was to approach influential members of the society to get their commitment and support. Later, we selected local level eligible people to have them trained so they can disseminate messages about women's rights. We also mobilized mass media for supporting women rights.
The direct beneficiaries were women and men practically involved in advocating for women rights. The indirect beneficiaries, who are not less than 60,000 people, were the ordinary men and women living in the targets districts and adjoining areas. Since the TV targets all population of Afghanistan at national level, the population having access to mass media at national level were also considered among indirect beneficiaries of this project.
The direct beneficiaries, who got trained from ORCD, were asked to go their respected villages and spread messages about women rights.
Results/Impact: Since the project was only for less than 6-month duration, the end impact might have not be tangible but what we have observed that progress toward women empowerment promising. Our team noticed that men involved as direct beneficiaries started acknowledging importance of respecting women and preserving their rights. This shows that the behavior of men targeted by this project seemed to be significantly changing.
ORCD developed a sustainability approach through which all stakeholders, including department of women affairs, were extensively engaged in supporting the project activities. ORCD not only ensured achieving the desired results by conducting monitoring and supervisions but also worked at grassroots levels by involving Community Development councils (CDCs) to establish women committees in order to ensure the desired results are achieved.
Evaluation/Evidence: ORCD put in place integrated monitoring and evaluation mechanism, which applied to project activities, organized regular monitoring field visits and consolidates regular narrative and financial reports with inputs from stakeholders in conformity with the agreement established between ORCD and Counterpart International with funding from USAID. Project inputs, activities and outputs continue to be subject to regular monitoring and evaluation procedures with close oversight authorized
JICA extends contract with ORCD for supporting the mobile health team of the Ministry of Public Health which is aimed at providing anti-TB services to Internally Displaced Population (IDPs) in Ningarhar province.
UN Women has approved the proposal of ORCD for a project aimed at advocacy and Prevention of Violence Against Women in Afghanistan.
With reference to ORCD Afghansitan's proposal submitted under the UN Women Call for Proposals on Advocacy and Prevention of VAW in Afghanistan, It has been confirmed that after following a comprehensive appraisal process, the project proposal which was forwarded by ORCD Afghanistan is one of the recommended projects for grants to implement advocacy and prevention advocacy over the course 2014-2015.
In this regard, UN Women will invite ORCD Afghanistan to take part in a final capacity assessment and to discuss the possibility of amending the submitted project proposals within the overall strategic framework of the proposal, to best ensure that the project implementation is compliant with UN Women’s strategy and vision for Afghanistan, including UN Women’s rules and regulations for project implementation.
Advances in Business-related Scientific Research Conference 2013 Report:
UN Human Trafficking 2013 Field Report:
Date: 15-May-2013
Click on below Link to view the Report.
UN Human Trafficking 2013 Field Report
ORCD Signs a contract with Counterpart International
Date: 18-Mar-2013
ORCD signs a contract with Counterpart International for implementing a project aimed at women awareness in Daikundi province about their rights in the views of Afghan laws. This project will entail community mobilization, training and developing TV and radio spots in line with the guidelines of Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs under the oversight of Counterpart International