Awards and Achievments of the ORCD

Thanks to the Upper House of the Parliment for giving us the high performance medal plus appreciation award for contribution in implementing projects successfully and transparently in various fields in Afghanistan.

Upper House Appreciation Letter
پوهنمل محمد علی اخلاقی، نماينده محترم مردم شريف غزني در ولسي جرګه از کار کرد های مؤسسه تحقيقات علمی و انکشاف جامعه بخاطر عرضه خدمات صحی با کيفيت در کلستر ۱ غزنی تمجيد و تقدير بعمل می اورد

Mr Akhlaqi Appreciation Letter from Ghazni

Appreciation by the Provincial Governor of Baghlan as well as the Director of Women Affairs of Baghlan for ORCD’s effective contribution in reducing gender-based violence throughout the province

Baghlan Governer Appreciation Letter


We are delighted to be a member of ACBAR

ACBAR Membership

The community health shuras representing the beneficiaries of the health facilities of Saripul province appreciate the contribution of ORCD in strengthening the health system through facilitating Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Saripul province. The true credit goes to the staff of health facilities as well as management staff at provincial staff

Appreciation Letter from Health ShuraAppreciation Letter from Health Shura


نماینده ګان شورا های صحی مراکز در کلستر ۱ ولایت غزنی به نمایندګی مردم مناطق ولسوالی های ناهور، جاغوری، مالستان، رشیدان، واغظ، خوګیانی، اجرستان، جغتو و خواجه عمری از تلاش های ما قدردانی نموده است

The community health shuras representing the beneficiaries of the health facilities of Ghazni Cluster 1 appreciate the contribution of ORCD in strengthening the health system through facilitating Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Ghazni Cluster 1..

Appreciation Letter by Community

ORCD is recognized by the Civil Society Activists of Paktika province as well as Youth Union Society of the said province. These both organizations issued a joint appreciation letter and had it awarded to ORCD in a gathering this week.

Civil Society Activists of Paktika


Provincial Governer of Baghlan appreciates the efforts of ORCD in Baghlan

Baghlan Governer Appreciation Letter

Appreciation Letter from People of Jaghori District of Ghazni to ORCD Afghanistan

Jaghori District Appreciation Letter

Appreciation Letter from the Department of Counter Narcotics of Paktika Province to ORCD Afghanistan.

Counter Narcotics of Paktika Letter


Apprecaition Letter from Director of Justice of Laghman to ORCD Afghanistan

Director of Justice of Laghman Letter

Appreciation letter from Laghman Provincial Council to ORCD Afghanistan

Laghman Provincial Council

د پکتیکا د کرهڼی او مالداری ریاست دا ستاینلیک په دی سبب مونږ ته راکړی چی مونږ د هغوی د لارښوونی لاندی په پکتیکا کی
د بدیل معیشیت د پروګرام لاندی په پکتیکا کی د باغداری د پراختیا په اړوند داسی کارونه کوو چی د پکتیکا ولایت په تیر تاریخ کی یی ساری کم ليدل کيږی .


Paktika BADIL Project Appreciation Letter

PPHD Kabul Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

PPHD Kabul Appreciation Letter

ACBAR Membership Certificate to ORCD Afghansitan

ACBAR Membership Certificate


Agha Khan Foundation Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

Agha Khan Foundation Appreciation Letter


د لغمان ولايت د استيناف څارنوالۍ، د عدليی رياست او د ولايتی شورا له خوا په دغه ولايت کی د ښه کارګردګيو ستاينه

Laghman Estinaaf Appreciation Letter

دغزنی ولايت ولی محمد شهيد (خوگياڼی ) ولسوالي د کلينيک د صحی شورا له خوا د غوره روغتيايی چوپړتياو د وړاندي کولو له کبله ستاينلک

CHF project Appreciation Letter


از شورای محترم ولايتی غزنی بی نهايت متشکریم که به پاس خدمات صحی بهتر که در کلستر اول غزنی از طریق مراکز صحی وزارت صحت عامه جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان تحت رياست صحت عامه غزنی عرضه میگردد، از تلاش های ما قدردانی نموده است.

Ghazni Provincial Council Letter


Appreciation Letter of UNODC to ORCD Afghanistan.

UNODC Appreciation Letter

Appreciation Letter of DoWA from Baghlan to ORCD Afghanistan

Appreciation Letter

Appreciation letter from Baghlan Provincial Governor.

Baghlan Provincial Letter

Appreciation letter from Nuristan PPHD to ORCD Afghanistan

Nuristan PHD appreciation

The District Governer of Barmal of Paktika Province appreciates the efforts of ORCD in this province for its outward trend toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals

barmal district appreciation


از ولسوال صاحب محترم ولسوالی جاغوری متشکریم که به پاس خدمات صحی که در ولسوالی جاغوری از طریق مراکز صحی وزارت صحت عامه جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان عرضه میگردد، از تلاش های ما قدردانی نموده است .

jaghoree appreciation


This time: Paktya
The Department of Women Affairs of Paktya awards a certificate of appreciation to ORCD in the recognition of its contribution to improving the economy of women in this province through promoting home-based poultry farms under an UNODC funded project.

DoWA Paktia

Ghazni PPHD appreciation letter to ORCD Afghanistan

Ghazni PPHD Appreciation Letter

Laghman PPHD Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan about Laghman CHF Project

Laghman PPHD Appreciation Letter

Baghlan PPHD Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

Baghlan PPHD Appreciation Letter

Baghlan e Markazi District appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

Baghlan e Markazi District appreciation Letter

Appreciation letter from DoEc Baghlan to ORCD Afghanistan

Appreciation letter from DoEc Baghlan


Appreciation Letter from Baghlan Tribes Council to ORCD Afghanistan

Baghlan Tribes Council Recognition

DDA Doshi Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

DDA Doshi appreciation


Appreciation Letter from Doshi districts Youth Council to ORCD Afghanistan

Doshi districts youth council


Handwritten appreciation letter in the recognition of ORCD efforts through BPHS and CHF. This appreciation letter has been awarded by the community health committee of Waghaz Comprehensive Health Center in Ghazni Province.

Handwritten appreciation letter

The Directorate of Economy of Sarepul Province appreciates the efforts of ORCD in this province for its outward trend toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDP) chiefly through supporting the Ministry of Health in providing BPHS in the Province.

sare pul economy appreciation

Ministry of Refugees Appreciation Letter to ORCD Afghanistan

Ministry of Refugees Appreciation Letter


Appreciation letter from Ghazni Provincial Governor.

Ghazni Provincial Appreciation letter


The Department of Refugees and Repatriation (DoRR) of Paktika appreciates the efforts of ORCD in providing services to the displaced population in Barmal and other districts. DoRR praises ORCD for its wise management, transparency and untiring efforts. This is certificate is issued as an acknowledgement of the contribution of ORCD with DoRR of Paktika

DoRR Appreciation Letter


ORCD-Kunar officially got registered and got permission from the Department of Economy for working in Kunar. 

Thanks to the Department of Economy in Kunar for extending its cooperation with ORCD to start serving the people of Kunar Province.

ORCD Kunar Registration


The Director of Returnees and Repatriation of Ghazni Province expresses his highest satisfaction from ORCD activities in this province. 

English Translation is as follow: 
In the recognition of the services and dedicated efforts of ORCD in IDP profiling, monitoring and assistance programme in Ghazni province, this letter of appreciation is being issued by the Directorate of Returnees and Repatriation (DoRR). On behalf of Ghazni DoRR, I acknowledge that activities of ORCD have been highly effective toward improving the living conditions of IDP, and vulnerable families during the current year. 

The DoRR not only extends its sincere thanks and appreciation but it also acknowledges its close cooperation and coordination with the Directorate of Returnees and Repatriation (DoRR) in Ghazni province. Based on their contribution and close coordination, we offer this appreciation certificate to ORCD. 

We wish ORCD further successes in its future endeavors. 

Best regards, 
Mohammad Jamil 
Acting Director of Returnees and Repatriation (DoRR)

Director of Returnees and Repatriation of Ghazni


Department of Returnees & Repatriation (DoRR) appreciating ORCD activities in Maidan-Wardak 

Thanks to Mr. Muhibullah Samim, the Provincial Manager of ORCD in Maidan-Wardak.

This is an appreciation letter that was issued by the DoRR of MaidanWardak in which the DoRR has expressed his highest satisfaction about ORCD activities in Maidan-Wardak province. 

We have received similar appreciate letter from the Provincial Governor of Maidan-Wardak too.

DoRR Wardak Appreciation Letter


ORCD is recognized as eNGO Challenge Finalist for rehabilitation and development efforts in Afghanistan

eNGO Challenge Finalist


GIZ-DETA on behalf of Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development awards certificate of recognition for the outstanding performance of ORCD in Baghlan for implementing a project in the Agriculture field

GIZ-DETA on behalf of Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development awards certificate of recognition for the outstanding performance of ORCD in Baghlan for implementing a project in the Agriculture field


ORCD in Baghlan receives certificate from the Provincial Coordination and Management Committee (PCMC) of Baghlan in the recognition of the successful completion of the Spring Vegetable Production Project in Baghlan Province.

It is worth mentioning this project would not have been possible without the generous support of the Federal Republic of Germany (GIZ-DETA) providing assistance to Afghan people.


ORCD is recognized for its performance in successfully executing a Baseline Nutrition Survey using SMART methodology in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. ORCD has pioneered this methodology in conducting this survey with funding from AHDS.


ORCD in Baghlan-Afghanistan successfully completes the Summer Vegetable Production Project funded by GIZ-DETA. The project aimed at providing seeds, training and technical assistance to 250 farming families in Baghlan -e Markazi district of Baghlan province, Afghanistan. 

Target farmers and communities expressed their highest satisfaction about services offered to them by GIZ-DETA through ORCD-Baghlan. 

This Award has been given by the Provincial Coordination and Management Committee of Baghlan in the recognition of outstanding performance of ORCD
Provincial Comittee Recongnitoin letter